How to: Assign Membership Cards

If a membership card was not assigned to a member account immediately when the card was created (see How to: Create Membership Cards), this is how you can assign the card later:

  1. Click the icon, enter Membership Cards, and select the relevant link.
  2. Locate and double-click your card in the list.
  3. Click the arrow in the Account No. field, and select the account to which you wish to assign the card.
  4. Fill in any remaining fields.

To assign a member card to a member account via the POS panel

  1. On the POS, press the Member Contactbutton.
  2. On the Member Contact Management panel, enter a name or any other relevant value for the member account in the Text Value column, and press Search.
  3. Press Select New Card, and select a free card.
  4. Press OK, and reply Yes to the message "Do you want to assign card xxxxx to contact?"
  5. Press OK on the Member Contact Management panel, and the member card is added to open transactions on the POS.