Setting Up Allergens as Item Attributes

Allergens are set up as item attributes. For details on how to create option attributes, see Setting Up Attributes with Options.

Allergens attributes in Demo Data

In the Demo data, 14 attributes have been created representing the 14 major allergens. They all have the following setup:

  • Value Type is Weighted Option.
  • Value for Recipe is Calculated from Ingredients.
  • Linking is Automatic.
  • They are all Displayed on POS.
  • They are all linked to the items in the FOOD division.

The option values are set up like this:

Option Value Option Value (Cust.) Weight Hide Value on POS Hide Value for Customer
Yes   3   Yes
Trace Mild 2    
No Severe 1 Yes  

The attributes are item attributes and dining preference attributes at the same time. Therefore, their usage is different depending on whether they indicate that an item contains the allergens or they signal that the customer is allergic.

The Option Value (Cust.) is there to assign the allergy option to the customer. If the customer has Mild allergy, items with a trace are considered alright. Items with Yes are not alright. If the customer has Severe allergy, items with Yes and Trace are not alright.

Note: You do not need to set the allergies up with Trace, the second option in the table. You can skip this option and only use Yes and No. The weight of Yes would then be 2, not 3.

Note: To register allergies for the customers, you create a single attribute from the group. See Allergens Attribute Groups As Comments for more information.

Allergens groups

To make usage easier, two attribute groups have been created, Allergens-8 and Allergens-14. The Allergens-8 group contains the eight most common allergens:

The Allergens-14 attribute group contains the 14 major allergens:

These two groups have Value Type Weighted Option which means that they can only have attributes with weighted option assigned.

See also

How to: Search for Items by Allergens on the POS

Showing Allergens Attributes on the POS

Allergens Attribute Groups As Comments