How to: Reopen and Edit Orders

In this article

To reopen a Prescription Order

To reopen a Prescription Order Line

There are two types of reopening, Re-open Prescription Order and Re-open a Prescription Order Line.

If the Prescription Order has been confirmed, picked, approved, and finished with the status Approved yet still needs a review or an edit, you must re-open the order before you can view the Prescription Order Line.

If, however, the Prescription Order has not been confirmed, picked, approved, and finished, you can proceed by clicking the Edit Line action. The Edit Prescription Order Line page is then displayed.

To reopen a Prescription Order

  1. Open the Prescription Order that you are going to re-open from the Approved Prescription Orders tile in the Role Center or from the Customer Service page.  
  2. The Prescription Order Line(s) is now visible. Click the Re-Open Prescription Order action, and confirm. The Prescription Order is open for review, and is now visible on the Open Prescription Orders tile in the Role Center.

Note: If you need to edit the Prescription Order Line, you must first reopen it. See below for more details.

Note: After the Prescription Order has been reopened, and is Finished again, it will appear again on the Final Control tile.

To reopen a Prescription Order Line

  1. Select the Prescription Order Line, and click the Reopen Line action.
  2. A confirmation window opens, asking if the line should be re-opened and the pick deleted. Click Yes.

The Picked check box is now disabled, and the Prescription Order Line is ready to be edited.

Note: After the Prescription Order Line has been re-opened, it must be confirmed, picked, approved, and finished again. For more details see How to: Create an e-Prescription Order.