How to: Delete an e-Prescription

In this article

To delete an e-prescription

To undelete an e-prescription

You can delete e-prescriptions from the e-prescription database from inside the Prescription Order.

When an e-prescription has been deleted, the status of the Prescription Order Line changes to e-Prescription Deleted. The e-prescription must be in the Prescription Order for you to be able to delete it.

Note: Once an e-prescription has been deleted, it cannot be used again.

To delete an e-prescription

  1. Open the Prescription Order that has the Prescription Order Line that you are going to delete.
  2. Select the Prescription Order Line that is going to be deleted.
  3. Click the Delete e-Prescription action, and confirm.
  4. Click the Finish Order action to finish the order.

Now the Prescription Order Line has status e-Prescription Deleted and is deleted from the e-prescription database. After you click Finish, the Prescription Order is automatically moved to Final Control.

It is possible to un-delete a prescription that has been deleted. This is also done from inside the Prescription Order. This is normally done right after the e-prescription has been deleted, for example if it was deleted by mistake.

Note: You cannot un-delete if you already clicked Finish Order, and the Prescription Order has moved to Posted Prescriptions Order.

To undelete an e-prescription

  1. Go to the Approved Prescription Orders tile in the Role Center, and open the Prescription Order that has the e-prescription that you wish to un-delete.
  2. Click the Un-Delete action.

The e-prescription has now been restored. It can either be delivered or sent back to the e-prescription database.