How to: Define a Delegate

When customers are not able to pick up their drugs at the pharmacy, a delegate can be defined.

To create a delegate

  1. On the Actions menu in the Role Center, click Delegates.
  2. Select Delegate in the menu.
  3. In the Delegate List page, click the New action. The Delegate Card is displayed.
  4. Fill in the fields in the General FastTab:
    CodeHere you type the customer's SSN (Social Security Number).
    NameHere you type the customer's name.
    AddressHere you type the customer's address.
    Address2Here you type the customer's second address.
    Post CodeHere you type the customer's post code.
    CityHere you type the customers city.
    E-MailHere you type the customer's email address, if available.
    Phone No.Here you type the customer's phone number.
    Mobile Phone No.Here you type the customer's mobile phone number.