How to: Create Credit Orders

In this article

The General FastTab

The Prescription Order Line FastTab

See also

  1. Click the Open Prescr. Credit Orders tile in the Role Center.
  2. Click the New action.
    The Prescription Credit Order page opens where you fill in the necessary information. Each field in the Prescription Credit Order is explained in the table below.
  3. Type the SSN in the Customer No. field. The customer's name appears automatically. Tip: You can also type in the correct SSN and press Enter, and the system will find the name for you.
  4. In the Original Prescription Order field, click the arrow and select the correct order from the list.
  5. Select the Reason for Refund from the list.
  6. Go to the Prescription Order Line FastTab where the Original Prescription Order appears.
  7. In the Original Prescr. Order Line column, click the arrow and select the Prescription Order Line to be refunded. Click OK.
  8. Click the Finish Credit action.

The Prescription Credit Order is moved to Approved Prescriptions, and is now ready to be collected at the POS and be refunded. At the POS, the credit order is treated in the same way as a normal e-Prescription order, see How to: Create an e-Prescription Order.

The General FastTab

Field Description
Type The order type is Credit Order. This field is automatically filled when a new Credit Order is made.
Store No. By default, the number of the store where the user is currently located appears here automatically. This value can also be changed to another store.
Customer No. Here you type the customer's number, often the SSN.
Name After the customer number has been entered, his or her name appears here automatically.
Original Prescr. is Local Select this check box, if the original prescription is local, meaning that it was uploaded by the pharmacy to a prescription database that belongs exclusively to that particular pharmacy.
Original Prescription Order Here you select the Original Prescription Order with the Prescription Order Line(s) that are going to be credited. Only Prescription Orders for this particular customer are visible.
Reason for Refund Here you select a reason for crediting the Prescription Order Line. The list of reasons is predefined.
Address Here you type in the address of the pharmacy customer.
E-Mail Here you type in the e-mail of the pharmacy customer.
Phone No. Here you type in the phone number of the pharmacy customer.
Mobile Phone No. Here you type in the mobile phone number of the pharmacy customer.
Gender Here you type in the gender of the pharmacy customer.
Date of Birth Here you type in the date of birth of the pharmacy customer.
Insurance Scheme Here you select the insurance scheme for the pharmacy customer.

The Prescription Order Line FastTab

Field Description
Original Prescr. is Local Select this check box, if the original prescription is local, meaning that it was uploaded by the pharmacy to a prescription database that belongs exclusively to that particular pharmacy.
Original Prescription Order After the Original Prescription Order has been selected, the Prescription Order number will appear here.
Original Prescription Order Line You select the Original Prescription Order Line from the Original Prescription Order.
Issued Article No. This number appears automatically after the Original Prescription Order has been selected.
Article No. The delivered Article No. appears automatically here after the Original Prescription Order has been selected.
Article Description The description of the delivered article appears automatically here after the Original Prescription Order has been selected.
Type of Pick The default type is Pack.
Quantity The delivered quantity of the Original Prescription Order.
Packs The delivered quantity of packs of the Original Prescription Order Line.
Qty. Per Unit The delivered quantity per unit of the Original Prescription Order Line.
Total Quantity The total quantity of the delivered Prescription Order Line.
Price The price of the delivered Prescription Order Line.
Discount Amount If the Prescription Order Line has been given a discount in the Original Prescription, the amount appears here.
Insurance Payment Amount The amount paid by the insurance company.
Customer Payment The amount paid by the customer.

See also

Credit Prescription Orders