Transfer Panel - Two-Grid Layout

A Transfer panel with a two-grid layout contains both the grid with the lines of the order you are transferring from and the grid with the lines of the destination order (if any).

You can customize the default Transfer panels regarding the size of the menus, caption, and information bar. You can also add to the fields displayed in the grids and change the length of these.

Adjusting sizes, rows, and columns

  1. Go to the POS Panel List.
  2. Filter on Control ID 'TRANSFER' to see all the transfer panels. There should be 6 per profile. The ##DEFAULT profile contains the two-grid layout panels.

On the POS Panel Card, the POS Panel Row/Column FastTab, you can change the values in the size fields. It is best to let the sum of sizes for column and rows add to 100. You need to test your Transfer panel from the Hospitality POS client for best results.

You can also edit the POS Panels from the POS by right-clicking the Transfer Panel and selecting Panel Properties

The following tables give an overview of the controls in the panels and what can be customized.

Panel controls for two-grid layout


Control Menu/Panel Info Customize
#DYN-HEAD1 #HO-TRF-HEAD1 The header menu with information on table or order transferred from Yes
#DYN-HEAD2 #HO-TRF-HEAD2 Menu with information on table or order transferred to Yes
#TRANSFER-INFO #HO-TRF-INFO Information menu for the panel Yes
#TRANSFER-FUNC #HO-TRF-FUNC Main Function menu that contains functions that apply to the panel as a whole. Yes
Panel #HO-TRANSFER-TBLFR-G Panel for table or order transferred from. Yes
Panel #HO-TRANSFER-TBLTO-G Panel for table or order transferred to Yes


Control Menu/Panel Info Customize
#DYN-HEAD1 #HO-TRF-HEAD1-NG The header menu with information on table or order transferred from Yes
#DYN-HEAD2 #HO-TRF-HEAD2-NG Menu with information on table or order transferred to Yes
#TRANSFER-INFO-NG #HO-TRF-INFO-NG Information menu for the panel Yes
#TRANSFER-FUNC #HO-TRF-FUNC Main Function menu that contains functions that apply to the panel as a whole. Yes
Panel #HO-TRANSFER-TBLFR Panel for table or order transferred from. Yes
Panel #HO-TRANSFER-TBLTO Panel for table or order transferred to Yes


Control Menu/Data grid Info Customize
#TRANSFER-GRID1 #HO-TRF-GRID1 The left Data Grid for the Panel (showing order from). To add fields to the grid simply add fields to the Data Table. Yes
#DYN-GRID1FUNC #HO-TRF-G1FUNC POS Menu between Data Grid 1 and 2 with the Transfer functions Yes
#DYN-INFO1 #HO-TRANSFER-INFO1 POS Menu with total amount for the grid and marked lines. Yes


Control Menu/Data grid Info Customize
#TRANSFER-GRID1-NG #HO-TRF-GRID1-NG The left Data Grid for the Panel (showing order from). To add fields to the grid simply add fields to the Data Table. Yes
#DYN-GRID1FUNC #HO-TRF-G1FUNC-NG POS Menu between Data Grid 1 and 2 with the Transfer functions Yes
#DYN-INFO1 #HO-TRANSFER-INFO1 POS Menu with total amount for the grid and marked lines. Yes


Control Menu/Data grid Info Customize
#TRANSFER-GRID2 #HO-TRF-GRID2 The right Data Grid for the Panel (showing order to). To add fields to the grid simply add fields to the Data Table. Yes
#DYN-GRID2FUNC #HO-TRF-G2FUNC Handles functions for Data Grid 2 like “Mark All”, Yes
#DYN-INFO2 #HO-TRANSFER-INFO2 Total amount for the grid and marked lines. Yes


Control Menu/Data grid Info Customize
#TRANSFER-GRID2-NG #HO-TRF-GRID2-NG The right Data Grid for the Panel (showing order to). To add fields to the grid simply add fields to the Data Table. Yes
#DYN-GRID2FUNC #HO-TRF-G2FUNC-NG Handles functions for Data Grid 2 like “Mark All”, Yes
#DYN-INFO2 #HO-TRANSFER-INFO2 Total amount for the grid and marked lines. Yes