Split Bill Setup

Before you can use the Split Bill Panel in your restaurants, you must set up certain criteria that concern the Split Bill window for each hospitality type where splitting the bill is necessary. These criteria concern the process of splitting the bill, how guest buttons are shown and whether seating capacity is used for the tables or not.

System preconditions:

  • You have registered the Hospitality Module (see Basic Setup).

Setup for the Hospitality Types

Hospitality types must be set up:

  1. Open the Hospitality Type Card from the Hospitality Types page.
  2. Go to a hospitality type that uses Split Bill functionality.
  3. Fill in the fields according to tool-tips.
  4. When you set the Order Guest Marking and Guest Handling for the hospitality type, the system automatically selects the appropriate split bill panel and settings.

The Select Guest on Splitting field is important for the splitting process. See How to Move Lines between Table and Guests for more information.

See also

Splitting the Bill

Split Bill POS Commands

The Split Bill Panel