
In this article

To create a new room



Room Status

Room Ranking

You must set up the rooms for your hotel property to sell a room. To do so, you must first set up Room Types.

To create a new room

  1. From the Navigation menu in the Hotel Back Office role center, click Hotel Setup, and then from the Navigation bar, click Rooms.
    Click the icon, enter Rooms, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action, and in the Room Card, fill in the fields.

The tables below list and describe the fields in the FastTabs in the Room Card.


Field Description
Room Unique ID for the room.
Property The property this room belongs to.
Room Type The room type this room belongs to.
Priority Rooms with lower Priority number will be allocated first.
Name The name of the room.
Description Description of the room.
Building The building in which this room is located.
Wing More detailed location of the room, the wing this room belongs to.

Tip: In the Hotel Wing List, you can create multiple wings for your hotel:

  1. Click the icon, enter Hotel Wing List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Edit List action, and insert wing, property, and description in the list.
Floor The floor on which the room is located.

Tip: In the Floor List, you can create multiple floors for your hotel:

  1. Click the icon, enter Floor List, and select the relevant link.
    Or find this page from the Hotel Setup menu in the Hotel Back Office role center, where you click Floors.
  2. Click the Edit List action on the Floor List page, and insert floor, building, property, and description in the list.


Information in these fields is derived from the Room type setup.

Field Description
No. of Persons The number of persons that can stay in this room.
No. of Adults The number of adults that can stay in this room.
No. of Children The number of children that can stay in this room.
No. of Extra Beds The number of extra beds that can be added to this room.
No. of Cribs The number of cribs that can be added to this room.

Room Status

Shows the status of this room.

Field Description
Allocated Shows Yes or No, depending on whether this room is allocated to a reservation.
Checked In Shows Yes or No, depending on whether this room has a reservation that is checked in to the room.
Housekeeping Status Shows you the housekeeping status for the room.

Room Ranking

The Room Ranking allows the system to prioritize specific rooms when auto-allocating them.

  • Go to Room List, and click the Room Ranking action to set up the room ranking.

All rooms are sorted by Ranking. The rooms with the lowest ranking will be prioritized.

Initially, all rooms have a ranking of 0. To set up the room ranking, you must first click Actions - Reset Rankings, and then you can use the Up and Down actions to change the rankings.