Reservation Deposits

In this article

Deposit Schedule

Deposit Entries

Deposit Assignments

Deposits Overview FactBox

Payments Overview FactBox

The Reservation Deposit page contains all relevant information about reservation deposits: deposit schedule, deposit entries, and deposit assignments.

Tip: You can also access the Reservation Deposits page from the Deposit Due link in the Summary FactBox in the Hotel Reservation Card.

Deposit Schedule

This page replaces the Deposit Schedule page that was opened from a reservation. It shows deposits scheduled to be collected, which can be based on deposit policy or created manually.

Field Description
Deposit Due Date Unique ID reference for the deposit schedule line.
Deposit Code Reference for the deposit policy.
No. of Days Number of days before arrival or after confirmation.
Deposit % Deposit percentage based on the reservation amount.
Deposit Amount Fixed deposit amount.
Description Description of the deposit schedule line.
Payment Date Date of deposit payment.
Paid Indicates whether the deposit is due or not.
Includes Tax Indicates if the deposit amount with percentage is calculated based on Total Charges Amount Including Taxes or not.


Page Action Description
Refresh schedule Re-issue the deposit entries from deposit policy.
Collect Open deposit payment page to collect schedule deposit.
Refund Open deposit payment page to refund schedule deposit.

Tip: You can also hide the Deposit schedule sub page by clicking a caption and the system will save this change for next time.

Deposit Entries

This page shows a filtered list of all deposit entries, collections, consumption, or refunds.

Field Description
Entry Type Unique ID reference for the deposit schedule line.
Deposit Code Reference for the deposit policy.
No. of Days Number of days before arrival.
Deposit % Deposit percentage based on the reservation amount.
Deposit Amount Fixed deposit amount.
Description Description of the deposit schedule line.
Payment Date Date of deposit payment.
Paid Indicates whether the deposit is due or not.
Transaction POS Transaction No. of the deposit payment.
Transaction Refund POS Transaction No. of the deposit refund.
Includes Tax Indicates if the deposit amount with percentage is calculated based on Total Charges Amount Including Taxes or not.
Base Amount Indicates the base amount to calculate the deposit amount from the Deposit % field.


Page Action Description
Collect Open deposit payment page to collect deposit.
Refund Open deposit payment page to refund deposit.

Deposit Assignments

The Deposit Assignment feature facilitates the split process of deposits collected but unassigned to a folio, always considering the original invoice type.

Example: A deposit of 200 is collected for guest and two guest folios, one folio requires 150 and the other 50.

Line Field Description
Target Reservation No. The receiving reservation of deposit assignment.
Folio No. The receiving reservation folio no. of deposit assignment.
Percentage Percentage of total collected deposit to assign to current folio.
Amount Assigned amount to folio. It can be calculated based in Percentage or be a fixed amount.


Page Action Description
Auto-Assign Distributes automatically the total collected deposit between folios of the same invoice type.

Deposits Overview FactBox

Field Description
Deposit Due Deposit amount on due from schedule table.
Deposit Paid Total deposits paid amount.
Deposit Used Total deposits used by Night Audit or POS.
Deposit Refund Total deposits refund amount.
Deposit Balance Total deposit balance. Negative value means that the deposit is overpaid or not consumed, positive value means that the deposit is underpaid.

Payments Overview FactBox

This FactBox shows deposit payments grouped by folio.