KDS Performance Station Report

This report tracks ticket time for the display stations grouped by KDS report period.

The report processes information on posted orders and only includes:

  • KOTs for preparation stations and expeditors.
  • Items that have a production time (estimated ticket time) greater than 0 .
  • Items that have actual ticket time greater than -20 and less than 240 minutes.
  • KOTs that have been bumped on all of its stations.

On the Alerts and Filtering FastTab, fill in the fields according to these guidelines:

  • Alert 1 - counts ticket times that go over the estimated ticket time by this limit (in minutes) but are under the Alert 2 limit. The default is 5.
  • Alert 2 - counts ticket times that go over the estimated ticket time by this limit (in minutes). The default is 7.
  • Restaurant - if there are multiple restaurants, here you can select which restaurant you want to view.
  • Today - sets Date From and Date To to today's date.
  • Date From - the date from which you wish to run the report.
  • Date To - the date to which you wish to run the report. Note: When Date From and Date To are the same date, the report includes entries for all the report periods, also the ones that are past midnight.
  • Report Period - if you are running the report for one day (Date From and Date To are the same), you can limit the report to show results for just one KDS report period.

The KOTs are grouped into report periods by the date and time they are sent to the kitchen.

The report is sorted by the order of the display stations and then by alphabetical order by the display station ID.

Display Stations KOTs Item Qty. Alert 1 5 Min. Alert 2 7 Min. Actual Ticket Time (Avg)
Breakfast 6:00 10:29        
COLD-PS 6 8     7:04


3 3 1   14:36
FRYER-PS 4 5   2 12:28
GRILL-PS 5 7     11:57
SEC-EXPO 8 23   1 3:03
PICKUP-EX 8 23 1   2:35
Lunch 10:30 13:59        


  • KOTs: The number of KOTs involved.
  • Item Qty: The total item quantities involved.
  • Alert 1 5 Min.: The number of ticket times that go over the estimated ticket time by 5 minutes but under 7 minutes.
  • Alert 2 7 Min.: The number of ticket times that go over the estimated ticket time by 7 minutes.
  • Actual Ticket Time (Avg).: The average ticket time for the items in minutes.