KDS Aggregate Profiles

The KDS Aggregate Profile defines which items and/or ingredients should be summarized on a Display Station to show what is in line on the station at any given time.

 Aggregates are calculated for items, modifiers and recipes.

Note: When an aggregate for recipes is calculated, make sure that all the ingredients have the same unit of measure, otherwise the information in KDS gets confusing.

To create an aggregate profile

  • Go to the KDS Aggregate Profiles page.

Aggregate profiles have a Time Horizon which is used to see how many items are due within the next N minutes on the Display Station. The profiles then have one or more Aggregate Groups which define which items to count on the Display Station.

An example would be a STEAKS group, which would count all steaks (Sirloin & T-Bone) that are sent to the Display Station.

The aggregate groups can either use the time horizon, set on the aggregate profile, or not.

  • Using a time horizon will show the X number of items on the station that are due within the next n minutes (Time Horizon) and the Y number of items that are due later will be shown in parenthesis.
    An example of this for a steaks group would be: STEAKS 3(5). This means 3 steaks are due within the time horizon and 5 are due later, on the Display Station.
  • Not using a time horizon will simply show the X number of items on the station in the Aggregate group.
    An example of this for a steaks group would be: STEAKS 8. This means 8 steaks are on the Display Station.

The Aggregate Profile is assigned to a Display Station, so it is possible to have a Coffee station which has an Aggregate Profile AGR-1 which shows a Coffee group, Espresso group, and so on. Another Display Station could have another profile AGR-2 showing a Steaks group.

If the Aggregate Pane is set to visible in the Visual Profile, the Aggregate groups are shown in the pane and not in the Display Station Header.

Note: When you create aggregate profiles and aggregate groups, you have to be aware of what display stations the items are routed to and have in mind what display stations the profiles are created for.