How to: Insert Default Data and Import Demo Data for the KDS

Initially, the configuration for the KDS in Hospitality is empty.

Important: You must set the lookup values for the styles and the header/footer column type, before you begin to set the layout of the displays.

To import/export

  • Go to the LS Import Export WS worksheet.

KDS default data

  1. To insert the default data for the lookup values, click Process - Insert Default Data.
  2. Select the KDS Data check box, and then click the Insert action.

Import KDS demo data

  1. If the KDS group is not visible in the list of import options in the LS Import Export Worksheet, click Actions - Update Table List.
  2. To import all data, select the Group line KDS, and click Process - Import or Actions - Import.
  3. Click Choose..., select the KDS.xml file, and click Open.

This will import the demo data and the KDS should now be functional.