KDS Hospitality Type Setup

In this article

To open the Hospitality Type Card

Menu Type Usage

Menu Type Deal Usage

KDS Display/Printing

On Modify Order

On POS Exit/Posting

On Send to KDS

Confirm Send to KDS

The fields listed below are the main fields used to configure the kitchen display and printing for the Hospitality type. For fields not mentioned here, use tooltips in the page for information.

To open the Hospitality Type Card

  1. Click the icon, enter Hospitality Types, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the hospitality type you want to configure.
  3. Open the KDS FastTab.

Menu Type Usage

This field indicates whether and how restaurant menu types are used for this hospitality type. Menu types indicate, for example, whether ordered items should be considered a starter, main course, or dessert. They are important to control which items are sent together to the kitchen for preparation in order for them to be ready at the same time.

You can use menu types to control how KOTs are created. You can let the program create a KOT per menu type. Then those order lines with the same menu type are assigned to the same KOT.

If menu types are used for taking orders, the item transaction line is marked with the item's default menu type (if any) on entry. The menu type can be set and changed manually.

The options are:

  • No
  • Yes-Sent Manually to KDS - The waiter picks a menu type to send to the kitchen in one KOT. Items with no menu types are sent to the kitchen as defined by the KDS Display/Printing field.
  • Yes-Info Only - Item transaction lines are marked with a menu type but are used for information only, for example on the kitchen printouts.
  • Coursing Menu types - Coursing is used for this hospitality type. See Configuring Hospitality Types for Coursing.
  • Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type - the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.

If the option Yes-Send Manually to KDS is selected, the program automatically fills in the following fields:

  • KDS Display/Printing with the At POS Exit option
  • On POS Exit/Posting with the Send Items with No Menu Type option.

If the option Yes-Info Only is selected, the program automatically fills in the following fields:

  • KDS Display/Printing with the At POS Exit and POS Posting option
  • On POS Exit/Posting with the Send All Items option.

If the option Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type is selected, the program automatically fills in the following fields:

  • On Modify Order with the Add Item to New KOT option.
  • On POS Exit/Posting with the Send All Items option.
  • On Send to KDS with the Send All Items option.

Note: The KDS Display/Printing field cannot have the option On Items Added for this menu type usage.

Menu Type Deal Usage

This field indicates whether restaurant menu types are used for deals in this hospitality type. Menu types indicate, for example, whether an ordered deal should be considered a starter, main course, or dessert. They are important to control which items are sent together to the kitchen for preparation in order for them to be ready at the same time.

If menu types are used for deals, all deal lines and the deal header are marked with the deal's default menu type (if any) on entry. The restaurant menu type can be set and changed manually, either for the whole deal or individual items in the deal. If there is no default menu type for the deal, the default menu type for each item line in the deal is applied.

The options are:

  • No
  • Yes

If the option No is selected in the Menu Type Usage field, this field is set to No .

KDS Display/Printing

This field indicates when the system automatically checks for items to be sent to the KDS. The options are:

  • No - KDS is not used.
  • At POS Exit - When you exit the Sales POS.
  • At POS Posting - When the transaction is posted (finalized).
  • At POS Exit & POS Posting - When you exit the Sales POS or finalize the transaction.
  • Manual - The user presses a button to start the Send to KDS process.
  • On Confirm (Del./Takeout Order) - When a delivery or takeout order is confirmed in the Delivery Order view.
  • On Item Added - When an item is added to the POS, the system sends it automatically to the KDS. This is ideal for the quick service environment. Note: In this version this should not be used when item routing exists for printers. The system automatically selects:
    • Add Item to Same KOT in the On Modify Order field.
    • Send All Items in the On POS Exit/Posting field.
    • No in the Confirm Send to KDS field.
    • With this option, Menu Type Usage cannot be Yes-Sent Manually to KDS or Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type.


  • When items that are registered with a menu type are sent manually to the KDS, the waiter selects to print the starters, main courses, or desserts. There can be items with no menu type, such as drinks and side orders. By selecting POS Exit or POS Exit & POS Posting, the system automatically sends these items to the kitchen when the waiter exists the Sales POS.

  • When items that are registered with a menu type are sent automatically to the KDS (KOT per menu type), by selecting POS Exit or POS Exit & POS Posting, the system automatically sends these items to the kitchen when the waiter exits the Sales POS or when the order is paid. This also applies to items with no menu type. They are assigned to a KOT with no menu type.

  • When you finalize the transaction, the system checks whether all items have been sent to kitchen. Otherwise, the transaction will be gone and there is no way to send anything to the kitchen. If the KDS Printing/Display field includes POS Posting, the system skips the check since the staff member is given a choice to send to the kitchen at posting.

  • If you are printing items manually by menu type and you select At POS Posting or At POS Exit & POS Posting for the field, the system will not check whether items have been sent to the kitchen when the transactions are finalized. If you select At POS Exit or Manual, the system performs the check.

  • The restaurant needs to be marked as using Kitchen Production System, if a hospitality type uses KDS Display/Printing.

On Modify Order

This field determines what happens when an item is added to an order that includes items that have already been sent to the KDS. The options are:

  • Add Item to New KOT - When the item is sent to the KDS, the system creates a new KOT that includes this item and any other additions to the order. The items in the KOT are displayed in production time order (the item with the highest production time on top).
  • Add Item to Same KOT- When the item is sent to the KDS, the system adds it to the existing KOT. You must use this option, if the field KDS Display/Printing is set to On Item Added. The items in the KOT are displayed in chronological order (the item first added on top).

On POS Exit/Posting

This field indicates which items the system sends to the kitchen, when you press Exit in the Sales POS or when the order is posted. The options are:

  • Send Items with No Menu Type - sends only those items that have no specified menu type. The items will belong to one KOT. Items with a menu type specified will be sent manually by menu type so that the items belonging to a menu type will belong to one KOT.
  • Send All Items - sends all items, regardless of menu types. The items will belong to one KOT. Tip: If you are only using printers and no displays for the kitchen and you want to print all the items on one slip sorted by menu types, select Send All Items in this field.

The field Menu Type Usage controls this field.

On Send to KDS

This field specifies which items the system sends to the kitchen when the command KITCHEN_SENDTODKS is pressed.

  • Send Item with No Menu Type: sends items that have no menu type (one KOT).
  • Send All Items: sends all items, regardless of menu types (one KOT or KOT per menu type (Menu Type Usage is Yes-Sent Automatcially to KDS-KOT per Menu Type)).
  • Send Coursing Items: sends items that have menu types linked to menu courses (one KOT).
  • Coursing Items and Non-Coursing Items: Sends items with menu types linked to menu courses (one KOT) and all other items (one KOT).

Confirm Send to KDS

This field indicates whether a confirmation window is displayed when items are supposed to be sent to kitchen (display or printing). The confirmation window allows the user to get an overview of what will be printed or displayed and on which stations. The user can cancel the sending.

The options are:

  • No - No confirmation window appears, items are sent without confirmation.
  • Yes - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel.
  • Yes-Hold Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel, together with options to hold certain items for a specific amount of time before they are displayed (only display stations).
  • Yes-Rush Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel, together with a Rush option to push certain items in front of the line.
  • Yes-Hold and Rush Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK, Hold, Rush, and Cancel option

The program automatically inserts the default panels for option Yes (OK and Cancel only), Yes-Hold Option (with additional Hold buttons), Yes-Rush Option (with additional Rush button), and Yes-Hold Rush Option (with additional Hold and Rush buttons).