Dining Tables

Each dining area has a set of dining tables. Each dining table has:

Each dining area layout within the dining area controls certain dining table properties:

  • the description on a button
  • graphical placement and size (graphical layout)
  • dining area section placement (can override the default section)
  • availability
  • button image.

The Dining Table History Entry table keeps track of dining table usage and is used to store information on each occupancy:

  • When a dining table is created, the program creates a free dining table history entry.
  • When the dining table is seated or occupied, the program creates an occupied dining table history entry and keeps track of the POS transaction created and of dining reservations.
  • When the dining table is set free, the program creates a free dining table history entry again.
  • Only one entry is marked as the Active entry for the dining table.
  • Occupied entries are closed ones all linked transactions have been paid and KOTs served.
  • A free entry is closed when an occupied entry is created.
  • The program uses these entries to calculate Table Turnover and Revenue per Seat Hour when you Calculate dining area statistics. When the calculations are completed, the program stores the entries in this table in the Din. Tbl. Hist. Entry Archive table.

Note: A dining table can only be deleted, if its status is free or to be cleaned, if it is not part of a combined table, and if it is not allocated to a dining reservation. If you delete a dining table, its dining table history entries are not deleted (from version 19 and onwards). The Calculate dining area statistic function collects data for the dining table but leaves the last active entry intact. If you create the same dining table again, the active entry that was left is now the active entry for the dining table.

See also

Creating Dining Tables

Combined Dining Tables