The Dining Reservation List Panel

The Dining Reservation List panel shows a list of dining reservations.

You can filter the reservations in various ways for viewing purposes or to find an exact reservation.

The panel opens:

  • when you select search in the Dining Table Allocation panel.
    • the list is filtered by the date you selected in the Dining Table Allocation panel, showing either confirmed reservations, waiting list, or walk-in entries.
    • you can select a reservation from the list and view it in the Dining Table Allocation panel.
  • when you select search in the Dining Reservation Desk panel.
    • the list is filtered by the date you selected in the Dining Reservation Desk panel, showing confirmed reservations and waiting list entries.
    • you can select a reservation from the list and edit in the Reservation Desk panel.
  • when yo cancel a reservation in the Dining Reservation Desk panel and there are waiting list entries for the same period.
    • the list is filtered by the date and period of the canceled reservation, showing waiting list entries.
    • you can select a reservation from the list and try to confirm it.

The reservations in the list can be:

  • Confirmed
  • Wait-listed
  • Walk-ins
  • Canceled
  • No-shows
  • Active (either confirmed or wait-listed)
  • Closed (only shown when viewing history)

You can view the history for a reservation:

  • if a member is registered, the list shows past, present, and future reservations for the member.
  • if not, the list shows past, present, and future reservations with the same email, phone number, or mobile phone number. If no matches are found, the program filters on the name in the reservation and shows these reservations.
  • Note: The list does not show archived dining reservation history.

You can cancel a reservation.

You can mark a reservation as a no-show.

You can confirm a waiting list reservation if there is availability.

See also

How to: Search for a Reservation in the Dining Reservation List