The Dining Table Allocation Panel - Timeline View

The Timeline View displays the dining tables in the dining area in a button matrix that shows the status of each dining table (whether it is occupied, available, or reserved) for each interval of the time range viewed.

The typical length of the time range viewed is 120 minutes and each interval is typically 15 minutes. The interval can also be set for each dining period.

The number of rows that are shown at each time is defined in the No. of Dining Tables Shown field in the Dining Area Card. Recommended number is 12.

Note: For performance purposes, it is recommended not to have too many rows and columns in the Timeline panel.

The Timeline view shows only information on one dining area layout at a time. If there is a layout change in the middle of the time range viewed, the time range is cut short and ends when the layout changes.

The Timeline view shows the day plan periods one after the other, unless you select to View by Period. You can press a dining period on the dining period menu to show only the dining reservations for that period. You can then allocate dining tables for this period only.

Note: When you open the allocation panel with Timeline view before the first period today starts (or in a gap between periods), the allocation time is set at the time when the next period starts. If the time is within the Advance Seating of Reserved Guests (Min.) (dining area), it is possible to register a walk-in and seat guests (reservations also). Also, tables that are occupied appear occupied for the first interval.

The system builds this data on run time by collecting information for each dining table and for each interval on

  • whether the dining table is occupied and for how long.
  • the availability of the dining table based on the dining area plan and layout.
  • reservations (and walk-ins) that the dining table are allocated to.

Context sensitive actions on pressing a timeline view button

When you press a button on the Timeline view, an action may be triggered, depending on the button and the previous action performed.

  • Timeline Time Interval Heading Button - the time range viewed shifts so that the start time will be the interval time (if time scrolling is allowed).
  • Timeline Dining Table Description Buttons - only if you are in the process of allocating tables, pressing a dining table description button will result in the allocation of this dining table without changing the time of the reservation.
  • Timeline Interval Buttons (interval plus dining table) -
    • if you are not in the process of allocating, pressing an interval button usually displays a drop-down list with possible actions that is dependent on the status of the dining table in this interval.
    • If allocating, the system will try to allocate this dining table to the reservation starting at the interval time.
    • If the dining table has a reservation in this interval, the program will highlight the corresponding reservation in the walk-in/reservation list.
  • Timeline Paging Buttons - scroll in the list of visible dining tables by pages.