Hotfixes on LS Central version 25.1.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes
25.1.4, Release date December 11, 2024
61497 Member update from backoffice error V25
- Fixed an issue that caused an error in the Member Account Card, when changing or inserting member contacts. The error was caused by a a function in the booking logic that would update emails and phones in future appointments. This update process has been obsoleted.
61138 "Drawer Alert Type" = Block is not working on BC25
- Fixed an issue that caused the configuration with enums to be sent as 0.
60510 Unable to edit Customer Order if created in different store
- For Customer Order Edit it is now possible to edit the orders in other stores than it was originally created in.
25.1.3, Release date December 10, 2024
61189 Add IsTemporary to ItemOnAfterInsertEvent in "Product Ext." Codeunit #416
- Added IsTemporary to ItemOnAfterInsertEvent in "Product Ext." Codeunit.
61188 Adding OnBeforeInsertMissingLine in Codeunit LSC Picking/Receiving Co… #415
- New event OnBeforeInsertCountLineInMissingLine2 added to "LSC Picking/Receiving Confirm".
61145 Required Enum field instead of option in the table 99001666 LSC Commission Entry
- Field Rule Salesp. Type from "LSC Commission Entry" table and field Salesperson Type from "LSC Cmsn Rule Salesperson" changed into enum.
61142 Event required in codeunit ID 99001489 "LSC Commission Utility"
- New events OnBeforeRun, OnBeforeCheckCommRuleHdrIsEmpty, and OnBeforeModifyCalculatedAmount added to "LSC Commission Utility" codeunit.
61141 Event required in the codeunit 99009019 "LSC POS Member Contact Popup"
- New event OnBeforeOpenAlphabeticKeyboardInScanNewMemberCard and OnBeforeProcedureSetNewRecord added to "LSC POS Member Contact Popup" codeunit.
61140 Event required in the codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- New event OnBeforeSetQtyHandlingInIsInfoCodeValid added to "LSC POS Infocode Utility".
61139 Event required in the codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- New events added to ""LSC POS Transaction" codeunit:
- OnBeforeSetAmountInCurrencyOnCurrencyKeyPressed
- OnAfterGetAvailablePointsOnCurrencyKeyPressed
- OnBeforePosMessageOnCurrencyKeyPressed
- OnBeforeLoadMemberInfoOnCheckMemberCard
- OnBeforeEFTTestVoidCardEntryOnProcessRefundSelection.
61114 Discount missing in Finalized Amount in the the "Shipped" Payment Entry
- When shipping a Customer Order (partly) in BackOffice, the discount amount is now taken into account.
61010 Warning message when drafting a group reservation which has Price Allowance and its status is Closed
- Fixed an issue which caused the allowance handling to fail, if fully used allowance was recalled or canceled, which should re-instate the allowance.
60864 Two Customer Tender Types cause error in Statement Posting
- Two different Customer Tender Types for a single Store were causing issues in Statement Posting, this has now been fixed.
60685 Store Safe Transfer
- Save amount on the Store Safe Journal.
60520 LSC Return Slip Subtotal incorrect
- Details not available.
60413 Verify eCommerce stability on LS Central 25.1
- Tested 25.1 with Commerce fixes.
60272 New variant is not registered in mapping
- Fix missing Item mapping when Variant is added to Item.
41131 "Expiration Date" check on Picking / Receiving lines
- Details not available.
25.1.2, Release date December 3, 2024
60936 Login staff via barcode in BC25
- Details not available.
60810 Add events to handle printing Secondary Total Currency #413
- New events OnAfterCalculateSecTotal_PrintTotal and OnAfterCalculateSecSubTotal_PrintTotal added to POS Print Utility codeunit.
60809 POS Member Contact Popup - public exposure #412
- Expose procedures from POS Member Contact Pop-up.
60745 Customer Order - Cancellation function at POS
- Refund a single item line from Customer Order on POS when canceling.
60669 Correction for ticket LSTS-35203-SC-464-events needed-POP-up POS commands
- Added new parameter to OnLookupVariantOnBeforeAssignMenuLine event and removed internal from "LSC Pop-up POS Commands 2".
60654 Error in Replen. Item Profile when processing obsoleted fields
- When using the Update function in the Replen. Item Profile, an error occurred when the system processed obsoleted fields in the "LSC Replen. Item Store Rec" table. This has now been fixed.
60630 New parameter in existing event PrintUtilPublic.OnBeforePrintSalesVATAmt
- New parameters added to OnBeforePrintSalesVATAmt event.
60523 Adding Event in Create New Activity Codeunit #410
- Details not available.
60187 Cancellation Policies published event
- Events added to the cancellation policy logic.
59873 Processing of Member Campaign halts with huge number of member contacts
- Filter has been added to the Dynamic Query processing to improve performance.
58134 LS/MAG VAT not calculated correctly on Posting Statement
- Do not recalculate VAT when processing e-com order through a POS.
56628 LSC NA Lifecycle Planning Worksheet New Price
- Details not available.
25.1.1, Release date November 29, 2024
60855 Stop calling SalePressed in RetrieveSuspended function if transaction has not been used.
- Stop calling SalePressed in RetrieveSuspended function if transaction has not been used. Re-use the Trans (Prevent gaps in Trans Nos.)
60546 Error when returning card payment when token value was returned in the purchase response
- When voiding a card payment that has a transaction token attached to it, an error occurred saying a member needed to be attached to the sale for the voiding to work. This has now been fixed.
59762 Customer Order transaction is lost if you leave the transaction
- Users now get a warning that a transaction will be deleted before closing the POS with an active Transaction.
59310 PrePaid Allowances are not consumed correctly for packages in group reservations
- An issue has been fixed related to Pre-Paid allowances assigned to Group reservation. The allowance consumption was registered multiple times instead of only 1 time per activity.
Hotels hotfixes
25.1.2 Hotels, Release date December 10, 2024
61310 Room No not printed in POS receipt using HOTELCHARGE2ROOM with TENDER;PROMPT parameter
- Fixed an issue with the HOTELCHARGE2ROOM POS command with TENDER;PROMPT parameter. It was causing issues in printing receipt and data.
61025 Night Audit job must be run multiple times
- Fixed an issue where the Night Audit job was not processing all the deposit consumption, unless it was run multiple times (until we see zero lines processed).
60854 Cannot refund deposit if invoice type is not "guest"
- The issue was that customer no. in the POS transaction table was not populating the Customer No. field, making some validation fail. This was fixed, so now when doing deposit for company, it will fill out the Customer No. field on the POS transaction with the customer no. on the Hotel Reservation.
60716 Changing rate code on group that has reservations with different room types generates an error
- Fixed so that when you change a room type on a group reservation, the sub-reservations keep their original room type. Also fixed that if rooms have been assigned a room number an error is not shown.
60371 Deposit refund posting to rounding GL account (follow up on LSTS-35617)
- Fixed a bug where early checkout did not handle deposit refund and the extra night was shown with zero balance. Running Night Audit after refund will then reverse the deposit.
58633 Hotel Balance is not cleared when Account Method is Temp Balance and reservation is paid on POS
- When Account Method is Temp Balance, the Hotel Balance account is cleared by Night Audit, if the reservation has been paid on POS.
52944 The night audit entries appear as unapplied on the customer ledger
- When a reservation is prepaid the consumed deposit is applied against the Room Rate that is charged to the customer.
25.1.1 Hotels, Release date December 3, 2024
60746 Invoice management not calculating activity with price per person
- Fixed an issue where activity changed No of Persons > 1, the detailed revenue line Quantity was not updated.
60709 Deposit consumption not created when consuming deposits on POS
- Fixed so the deposit consumptions are created when deposits are consumed on the POS.
60687 Error loop due to "Room type" field being mandatory
- Fixed an issue in the New Reservation page where leaving an empty room type caused a validation error in Rate Code.
60502 No overbooking prompt when adding nights to reservation and allows to overbook
- Details not available.
58835 Customer discount is not applied to activities when Invoice type is Company or Paymaster
- The Customer discount now always updates on the DREs whenever the Payer No. is changed.
Folio Description, Payer No. and Payer Name now also update correctly on the DRE when the Folio changes.
Localization hotfixes
25.1.2 Local Functionality N-America, Release date December 10, 2024
61488 Upgrade checks
- Details not available.
60520 Return Slip Subtotal incorrect
- Details not available.
56628 Lifecycle Planning Worksheet New Price
- Subscribe to the OnBeforeSalesTaxError event, and set the IsHandled to true.
25.1.1 Local Functionality India, Release date December 10, 2024
61174 Issue in Pre bill and Post bill receipt printing
- Details not available.
25.1.1 Local Functionality N-America, Release date December 3, 2024
59852 NA Localization Sales Tax Does Not Show Tax Jurisdiction Desc if only 1 applies
- Details not available.