Location Field

The Location Field table is used by an external replication process and contains the design of fields in tables in a database that has a different structure than the database from which the replication process runs.

The external replication process fills in this table automatically when it reads in the design of the database in the location.

The Location Field, the Location Table table and the Batch ID Map tables contain the complete design (tables and fields) of the database that is not known at the location where replication takes place.

If you select the function "Read Design" for a location from the window, the replication process reads in the design of the database in that location.

If the databases between which the replication takes place are identical, it is not necessary to insert the design of the databases into the four tables.

When a Scheduler Subjob is defined, the From-Location Design and To-Location Design fields, if filled in, show the distribution location at which the design of the databases being replicated lies. When the fields for the replication are selected from the tables, the program finds the fields for the exchange location database in the Location Field table.