Linked Infocode, Infocode

This field contains the infocode that you link to the current infocode. The POS terminal prompts for input for the linked infocode after prompting for the current one.

By linking infocodes, you can assign more than one infocode to a POS action, such as refund, void, or line discount.

Example - You can assign three infocodes, A, B, and C to one action by linking C to B and B to A.

You can create a chain of linked infocodes. The program does not check for circular linking, that is when infocode A is linked to infocode B which is linked to infocode A. Circular linking causes a problem at the POS terminal.

Note - An infocode cannot have a linked infocode if any of its subcodes have a linked infocode.

An infocode cannot be a part of a group infocode if it has a linked infocode.

For more information see the Infocode table.