Link Item Lines to Trigg. Line, Infocode

This field indicates whether the item line created by the program when this subcode is selected, is linked to the line that triggered the infocode. The created line will then have the number of the triggering line as parent line number. The program enters the line directly after the trigger line (or the last linked line of the trigger line) and shifts the lines that come after if needed. The linked lines are marked >.

If the trigger line has quantity that is greater than 1, the program splits the line in two, the latter one with quantity 1 and the first with the rest of the quantity. This is to make it clear that the added items belong one of the item of the trigger line. Example: two pizzas are selected. Then the customer wants to have extra toppings. First, he or she needs to select toppings for one pizza, and then the other, if necessary.

Note - Items that are linked are simply inserted, the program does not process infocodes assigned to them or POS actions.
A group infocode determines this linking for all its infocodes. That is, if an infocode in a group is not marked as linking lines to the trigger line, the program will link them because of the group marking.

Example: A pizza is assigned an extra toppings list. The list is marked as Link Item Lines to Trigg. Line. When the pizza is selected, the extra toppings button pressed and extra toppings added, the program adds the extra toppings directly after the pizza item line. If more lines are added and then the extra toppings button pressed again for the pizza, the program inserts the added extra toppings after the first set of extra toppings.

For more information see the Infocode table.