Table Is Cleared, Hospitality Service Flow

Indicates when the dining table is cleared. The options are:

  • On Payment if KOTs Served - If KOTs are not served, the table stays occupied. After the KOTs are served, the waiter manually clears the table. This option allows for prepayment of orders.
  • After Bill Is Printed if KOTs Served - in this case, the guests leave the table after they receive the bill and pay at the cashier stations. If KOTs are not served, the table stays occupied.
  • On Payment Regardless of KOTs - in this case, the guests always leave directly after paying. All KOTs should be served at this time. Otherwise, something has gone wrong in the serving process. On payment, all the KOTs are posted and the status they were in when posted is stored.

How this field affects Transaction Status and Dining Table Status:

On Payment if KOTs Served

On Payment Regardless of KOTs

If Table Status after Clearing is To Be Cleaned, Change Dining Table Status is To Be Cleaned, not Free

After Bill is Printed if KOTs Served

If Table Status after Clearing is To Be Cleaned, Change Dining Table Status is To Be Cleaned, not Free