Confirm Send to KDS, Hospitality Type

This field indicates whether a confirmation window is displayed when items are supposed to be sent to kitchen (display or printing). The confirmation window allows the user to get an overview of what will be printed or displayed and on which stations. The user can cancel the sending.

The options are:

  • No - No confirmation window appears, items are sent without confirmation
  • Yes - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel
  • Yes-Hold Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel, together with options to hold certain items for a specific amount of time before they are displayed (only display stations)
  • Yes- Rush Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK and Cancel, together with Rush option to push certain items in front of the line
  • Yes-Hold and Rush Option - The confirmation window appears, allowing OK, Hold, Rush and Cancel option

The program automatically inserts the default panels for option Yes (OK and Cancel only), Yes-Hold Option (with additional Hold buttons), Yes-Rush Option (with additional Rush button) and Yes-Hold Rush Option (with additional Hold and Rush buttons).