KDS Display/Printing, Hospitality Type

This field indicates when the system automatically checks for items to be sent to the KDS. The options are:

  • None - KDS is not used
  • At POS Exit - When you exit the Sales POS
  • At POS Posting - When the transaction is posted (finalized)
  • At POS Exit & POS Posting - When you exit the Sales POS or finalize the transaction
  • Manual - The user presses a button to start the Send to KDS process.
  • On Confirm (Del./Takeout Order) - When a delivery or takeout order is confirmed in the Delivery Order view.
  • On Item Added - When an item is added to the POS, the system sends it automatically to the KDS. This is ideal for the quick service environment. In this version this should not be used when item routing exists for printers. The system automatically selects:
    • Add Item to Same KOT in the On Modify Order field
    • Send All Items in the On POS Exit/Posting field
    • No in the Confirm send to KDS field
    • With this option, Menu Type Usage cannot be Yes-Sent Manually to the KDS.


Items that are registered with a menu type are printed manually. The waiter selects to print the starters, main courses or desserts. There can be items with no menu type such as drinks and side orders. By selecting POS Exit or POS Exit & POS Posting the system automatically sends these items to the kitchen when the waiter exists the Sales POS.

The system checks when you finalize the transaction whether all items have been sent to kitchen. Otherwise, the transaction will be gone and there is no way to send anything to the kitchen. If KDS Printing/Display includes POS Posting, the system skips the check since the staff member is given a choice to send to the kitchen at posting.

If you are printing items by menu type for a hospitality type, this printing is manual. If you select At POS Posting or At POS Exit & POS Posting for the field, the system will not check whether items have been sent to the kitchen when the transactions are finalized. If you select At POS Exit or Manual, the system performs the check.

The restaurant needs to be marked as using Kitchen Production System if a hospitality type uses KDS Display/Printing.