eCommerce API for Commerce

This section is an overview of how to start implementing Commerce Service against an eCommerce solution. Most samples are shown with SOAP requests, but replication samples uses ASP.NET code to demonstrate how to set up the loop to pull all the data and the use of LastKey value.

  1. Install Commerce Service, and configure it to connect to LS Central. See the Commerce Installation section for more details on how to install the Commerce Service.
  2. After installing the Commerce Service, you need to prepare some for Commerce Service in LS Central, see the LS Central Configuration section for more information.
  3. To test the connection to Commerce Service and to check if everything is working and whether Commerce Service can talk to LS Central, open a browser and type in this URL (pointing to the host where Commerce Service is running): http://localhost/CommerceService/ucJson.svc/ping
  4. If all is in order, you get a reply like this one:

    "PONG OK> Successfully connected to [Commerce Service for LS Central DB] & [LS Central DB] & [LS Central WS] (LS: [52785]) Commerce Service for LS Central:2023.03.0"

  5. To secure the eCommerce communication, use the Basic Authentication settings in the IIS Server, and send the Login Authentication with every request.

Commerce Service has an interface to use with external eCommerce platforms. To get access to the WSDL data, connect to http://localhost/CommerceService/UCService.svc

Online API help for SOAP and JSON interface can be found here on Mobiledemo Help.

There you can see some samples for SOAP & JSON requests, SoapUI project, WS Request data, and how an Commerce object maps to the LS Central Web Service XML request.

See also


Member Contact

Product Setup

Basket and Wish List


Code Samples